Nine-year-old girl scarred for life after thug hurled glass beer bottle through car window
The nine-year-old had to endure emergency plastic surgery on Saturday after the beer bottle smashed through the window, showering her with broken glass and embedding shards in her face.
The terrified youngster suffered cuts to her forehead, hands, nose and around her right eye, which she almost lost sight in.
The incident happened on Friday as Abbie was in a Punto car with her mother, 29-year-old Clare Webb, grandmother and three-year-old sister Lexi. No one else was seriously injured.
‘Every time that she looks in the mirror she will be reminded of what happened that day,’ said Ms Webb, from Stanley, County Durham. ‘She has not looked at herself yet.
‘It was a huge shock when it happened and I really panicked as Abbie was screaming about her face.’
The family were on their way to a walk-in medical centre as Lexi was feeling unwell when the bottle was thrown.
Grandmother Sandra, who was driving the car, said: ‘It was like the biggest explosion and sounded similar to when an air bag goes off in a car. Abbie is quite a resilient little girl and she has done well to cope with what she has
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