
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Drinking THIS Can Cure chest Cancer

The Poultry Association of Nigeria, PAN, in the South West has said that researches have shown that drinking of raw eggs could reduce the risk of chest cancer in women, saying that there was no relationship between the consumption of eggs and heart diseases.
The body also argued that there was no link between the consumption of eggs and the quantity of cholesterol in the human body system.

[Advice Needed] I’m Pregnant For My Cousin Again, After 2 Abortions. Please Help!

images confused galHello, my name is anonymous, I’m a polytechnic student and I am pregnant for my cousin for the third time. My cousin and I are age mates in our early twenties, we’ve been secretly dating for 2 years now.
I don’t have a boyfriend neither does he have a girlfriend, we started having s*x 2 years ago and this is my third pregnancy for him, we’ve previously aborted 2 pregnancies that almost took my life. It all started when I gained admission in his school, I was told to live with him for some period before I would get my own accommodation because he was a year ahead of me and he was living alone in one room on campus.
I accepted to live with him because we are cousins and I see nothing bad in it. To cut the story short we started having s*x due to the fact that I’m always careless with my body. I broke up with my boyfriend and he also did
the same thing to his girlfriend, we fell in love with each other, we were behaving like couples to the extent
 that neighbours were suspecting, we had s*x almost every time cos I decided to live with him as a couple on campus before my mother separated us because she wasn’t comfortable with the way we were living together.

7 Health Benefits of Deep Relaxation

meditationThe next time you tune out and switch off and let yourself melt, remind yourself of all the good work the relaxation effect is doing on your body. These are just some of the scientifically proven benefits …
Relaxation appears to boost immunity in recovering cancer patients. A study at the Ohio State University found that progressive muscular relaxation, when practised daily, reduced the risk of chest cancer recurrence. In another study at Ohio State, a month of relaxation exercises boosted natural killer cells in the elderly, giving them a greater resistance to tumours and to viruses.

4 Questions Women Should Avoid Asking Men In Relationships

images (3)Hey Ladies, I know you all like dissecting what’s going on with your men and honestly that is cool but what isn’t cool is when you start asking all or any of the 4 questions below.
By the way, have you ever realized how angry a man can get when you ask too many questions at a time? When it comes to relationships, most women want to know everything that a man is thinking.
But here is the truth and from a man’s perspective, there are 4 questions I think women should really avoid asking their men while in a relationship because the answers you get are basically those aimed at pleasing you but not the whole TRUTH.

An Open Letter To Ladies – “Ladies, Your Boyfriend Isn’t Jealous—That Guy Really Is A Creep!”

images (9)Dear ladies of the world:
If your boyfriend doesn’t like you hanging out with one of your guy friends, don’t assume that he’s jealous or insecure. Your boyfriend has probably recognized that the guy is trying to sleep with you and you should trust him on this because he knows what he’s talking about. He’s a guy, which makes him an expert on guys and how dumb and creepy they can be.
Please understand that just because you’re “just friends” with the guy that he’s on the same page as you. Some guys are dumb, some guys are creepy, some guys are desperate. And all of those guys are probably just trying to have s*x with you.

For Married Couples – 5 Sexy Tips for Getting Yourself in the Mood!

images (28)There are always tons of advice for couples on how to increase intimacy. They usually focus on telling each partner how to get the other in the mood. Because face it, most couples want more love making in their marriages….some more than others. But instead of waiting on our partners to get us in the mood, what if we took ownership of getting ourselves in the mood to create more intimate moments in our relationships? Since both partners want to feel desired it’s only fair that each partner takes turn initiating s*x.

7 Things Every Man Should Know About His Wife!

110x110__51dc98123649dMany men will tell you that they have no clue what their wives are thinking. Is she mad? Did I do something wrong? What’s the big deal? What did I say? She definitely took that the wrong way. So, the real question is how do men minimize these thoughts and improve their relationships with their wives? I think it’s rather simple. Get to know a few things about her that you just might not be considering.
1. She Doesn’t Need You to Fix Everything
Men have the tendency to try and fix things when their wives are upset and share a problem. But sometimes she just needs you to listen. That’s all. Just listen.
2. Her Opinion Needs to Matter