Britain has the busiest,
most congested roads
in Europe according
to new research
Advertorial feature: We have 77 vehicles per kilometre of road in Britain, that's 76% more than the European average
Britain has the busiest, most congested roads in Europe.
Anyone who’s driven a car in the last few years probably won’t be surprised to learn that
According to research from the World Bank, there are 77 vehicles per kilometre of road in Britain – 76% more than the European average. That’s two and a half times more than Norway, which boasts the quietest roads at just 29 vehicles per km.
But despite this national snarl-up – or maybe because of it – UK roads are among the safest in the world. Among EU nations, only Malta has a lower number of deaths per million population.
In 2012, there were 28 people killed on UK roads per million population. Norway, with its deserted roads and sensible people, suffered a total of 148 deaths, or 30 per million.
The figures show that the USA’s famous love affair with the car is more of a fatal attraction. American road accidents caused 33, 780 deaths in 2012, or 108 per million. That’s more than 3 times the UK rate, and one of the highest road fatality rates in the developed world.
Despite massive increases in traffic over the last few decades, the number of people killed on our roads has been falling steadily. From around 7,700 deaths in 1972, and 5,500 in the mid 1980s, there were just 1,754 in 2012.